Metadata Snapshot
Data Portal Name:
- Great Bay Pathogenic Vibrio & Environmental Data
Data Type:
Number of Stations/Sites:
- Two Sites: OR (Oyster River) and NI (Nannie Island) (See Map)
Variables / Parameters / Indicators / Outputs / Units:
- oysVP (MPNVp/g oyster tissue)
- binVP
- logVP (log10MPNVp/g oyster tissue = log10 transformed)
- temp60 (°C)
- saln72 (ppt)
- doa (mg O₂/L)
- pha (pH units)
- turba (NTU)
- tdn (mg/L)
- chl (µg/L)
- po (mg/L)
- Rainweek (inches)
Spatial Range:
- Great Bay Estuary in New Hampshire (See Map)
Temporal Resolution:
Date Range of Data: